We get it.
It can be tough to see
Many industries often need a broader view to understand layouts, assess conditions, and monitor progress. Ground-level perspectives miss key details, leading to delayed actions and higher costs.
Launch UAS provides the birds-eye view. Through high-resolution aerial imagery and precise drone inspections, we offer the perspective needed to make informed, efficient decisions quickly.
Your Close to Home Reality Capture Company
Our FAA Certified and Insured Drone Pilots are proud to serve Northeast Ohio. Equipped with the latest technology, our goal is to provide you the data you need, when you need it.
Aerial Solutions for All
Aerial Photography & Videography
Capture the beauty and detail from above with precision and creativity
Thermal & Visual Imaging
Ideal for inspections, search and rescue, and precision assessments, even in challenging conditions.
2D Orthomosaic Mapping*
Get the detailed birds eye view with 2D orthomosaic maps. *Not survey grade mapping
Personal Web Gallery
Seamlessly view your aerial imagery with ease through your personal web gallery
First-Person View Drone Tours
Bring your flight inside to explore your business or property from a unique perspective.